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Frequently Asked Questions

Avilla Berry Creek Highlands is 20 minutes away from Texas State University - Round Rock Campus.

Avilla Berry Creek Highlands offers one, two, and three-bedroom homes in Georgetown, TX. To view current availability, please visit our Floor Plans page.

Avilla Berry Creek offers a variety of home and community amenities, including walking paths, spa/hot tub, resort-style pool, dog park, walk-in closets, stainless steel appliances, and full-size washer/dryer. Visit our Amenities page for more information.

.Yes, at Avilla Berry Creek, our Georgetown, TX homes are pet-friendly. Please reference our pet policy on the Amenities page or contact us for more information.

Yes! Avilla Berry Creek offers several online services, including paying rent and submitting 24/7 maintenance requests.

Applicants will be evaluated on rental criteria, which include sufficient income and acceptable credit history. Acceptable credit history is based upon several credit reporting factors and is not solely based on the applicant's credit score. Further information on the rental criteria will be provided as part of the application process. Contact leasing office for more details.

Yes - Contact our leasing team today for more details or to learn more about our Preferred Employers list!

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